Cadiz Central

 No rush this morning, it's just a 30 minute walk to Cadiz central, on the face of it Cadiz, appeared to be a town with little to fill or time, however we were pleasantly surprised. First port of call was a cafe, to take on liquid refreshment. The cafe was in the Square at the front of the Cathedral, which was going to be our first destination  for the day. It was clearly in the middle of a major restoration project going off the scaffolding outside, and the netting stopping you being hit by any falling debris from the ceiling inside, but it still looked splendid even with the work being done. The cost was €7 and included a walk around the cathedral itself, entry to the bell tower and a little museum around the back, so not bad value.


Once the cathedral was done the carousel, in the Square had begun trading, so Perdita, decided to give that a go.

Friday must be market day, stalls laced the tiny streets and squares throughout the town centre selling anything you ever wanted but hadn't realized you wanted it. There was also a large indoor food market housing loads of meats, fish,cheese, olives fruit and veg stalls, just in case you felt peckish.

We headed back off to the port but took a slight detour along the breakwater forming part of the port which took about 20 minutes each way and provided Somme great views out to sea.

We then waved a fond farewell to Cadiz.

Pongo and Perdita signing off .


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